Yhwach and tsukishima powers - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine (2025)

i hope tsuk, isn't just a one time bankai fix for ichigo.

and as much as i love renji and rukia, i hate that they are possibly going to be players in this final battle.

i mean, yamamoto, ichebei, kenpachi- pre power boost, all got fodderized by yhwach, these two are just glorified spectators even with the new bankai's.

1. Ive been wondering where the hell ichebei has been. i know he should be playing a huge part in this. he is the OG for the shinigami.

2. same with aizen. we haven't seen him since his whole, ill bring the place down speech. and with his display of power within only, what, 4 seals released? how, even if they do manage to win this, are the remaining living shinigami going to get him back into Mukon without a struggle. his reaitsu alone would crush all except maybe ichigo/kenpachi/ichebei.

now that Thor-man is gone, will kenpachi/byakuya/toshie come help ichigo, and will they all once again be fodderized by yhwach?

but back on subject.

i think the main thing here is that, yhwach can see each grain of sand, and effectively, choose which one of the timelines, or possibilities, he wants to choose from

so for example, from what i can understand, lets say that he gets attacked by ichigo, and ichigo is using a getsuga tenshou. he can 1. not only does he see what move ichigo is going to use, but he sees each possibility, so for example:

10 timelines(grains) might involve it hitting him and him dyeing, he skips past those, 12 might involve it missing but tearing down the palace around him, so he skips them too, 3 might involve it being a distraction while ichigo attacks from behind, again he moves past that, and he chooses the one timeline where he dodges and breaks ichigo's bankai instead, and makes that specific timeline real.

now while he sees any possible "futures" i don't think he has the ability to see or change the past, so once things happen they are basically cemented that way, which would explain how wary he is of picking the absolute perfect future(he purposefully set traps, broke ichigo's bankai, made him depressed, and why? ill get to that in a bit)

now what makes tsuk special is his manipulation of the past.

he can essentially change the past. which, like in the case of ichigo's bankai, can drastically change the future, and could potentially be yhwachs "blindspot" so to speak. if yhwach picked a future based on ichigo's being broken, and being powerless, and he shows up with it, there could be problems for yhwach.

so he could potentially have picked a future that favorable for him now. but with a few small changes, that could all change drastically, forcing him to find another favorable future to attempt to choose from.

but unfortunately I'm thinking kubo with sideshow Tsuk, now that ichigos bankai is fixed, and he will once again bullrush into another disaster of hacking and slashing.

one thing that has been bugging me recently, is thinking back to yhwach's conversation with Aizen, and how he mentioned that he didnt realize just how much kaizen had manipulated the time while he was down there.

that, in retrospect, is a huge statement considering how much his power has to do with time, and now it seems to have even more implications then just the whole, he sleeps at night and his powers go to hash browns. because lets face it. we know based of power scaling that hash browns > bazz B, normally, meaning that just with his B scrift he's already on or above a normal captains level.

with yhwaches power, even assuming he had no idea how to use it, would still be more then enough to hold off any shinigami that came against him. as evident that he trusted hashwalth to handle it multiple times.

i have a very strong feeling Aizens transcendence could give them a huge advantage. he was able to manipulate time while being fully sealed. he has now had 4 seals released and can release enough power to supposedly "pull down" the palace. i doubt they would fully release him, because at this point it sounds like him being fully released is he worse of two evils.

i do want to see a epic battle of Transcended VS God. would be nice.

Yhwach and tsukishima powers - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine (2025)


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